Culture and Reform Unit Docs
Unit Guide, Unit Storyboard, Lesson Calendar; Brief Answers for Teachers
Culture and Reform Lesson One
Unit Launch: Timeline, Introduce Unit Guide and Storyboard
Students make a timeline of units 4, 5, and 6 to understand the overlap between these units, and review the storyboard and unit guide for unit 7.
Culture and Reform Lesson Two
The Second Great Awakening (Q1)
Students learn the story of the Second Great Awakening, and check their understanding by writing “Because – But – So” sentences.
Culture and Reform Lesson Three
Charles Finney on Revivals (Q2)
Students interpret a lecture by preacher Charles Finney on religious revivals.
Culture and Reform Lesson Four
Why did Baptists and Methodists succeed? (Q3)
Students create a hypothesis to explain why the Baptist and Methodist denominations grew so dramatically during the Second Great Awakening.
Culture and Reform Lesson Five
The Temperance Movement (Q1)
Students learn the story of the temperance movement, and check their understanding with a 4-box storyboard.
Culture and Reform Lesson Six
Secular Reformers (Q1) & Formative Assessment (Q2)
Students learn about secular reformers, and complete a formative assessment comparing them with religious reformers.
Culture and Reform Lesson Seven
Thomas Cole's "Course of Empire" (Q2)
Students interpret a famous set of paintings by Hudson River School painter Thomas Cole.
Culture and Reform Lesson Eight
Thoreau Takes a Stand (Q2)
Students interpret a famous text by transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau.
Culture and Reform Lesson Nine
When is refusal to obey the law justified? (Q4)
Students make their own judgments of Thoreau’s decision, and articulate principles in response to the question.
Culture and Reform Lesson Ten
Abolitionists Take a Stand (Q1)
Students learn the story of the abolitionist movement, and check their understanding by writing a 4-sentence story.
Culture and Reform Lesson Eleven
Sojourner Truth's Speech on Woman's Rights (Q2)
Students interpret a famous speech by abolitionist and woman’s rights activist Sojourner Truth.