The Early Republic Unit Docs
Unit Guide, Unit Storyboard, Lesson Calendar; Brief Answers for Teachers
The Early Republic Lesson One
Unit Launch; Americans Build A New Government (Q1)
Students read the unit setting and outcome, and start to learn the story of the first Washington administration. They check their understanding with “Because – But – So” sentences.
The Early Republic Lesson Two
Hamilton Makes A Plan (Q1)
Students learn about Hamilton’s economic plan for the United States and check their understanding with “Because – But – So” Sentences.
The Early Republic Lesson Three
Hamilton and Jefferson Square Off (Q2)
Students learn about Hamilton and Jefferson’s disagreements about a national bank, and many other issues as well. They check their understanding by matching quotations to their authors.
The Early Republic Lesson Four
Washington Says Farewell (Q2)
Students interpret George Washington’s “Farewell Address,” in which he warns about the dangers of political parties.
The Early Republic Lesson Five
The Partisan Presidency of John Adams (Q1)
Students learn the story of Federalist John Adams’ presidency, and tell the story back in a 4-Sentence Story.
The Early Republic Lesson Six
President Jefferson Promotes Expansion (Q1)
Students learn the story of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency, and tell the story back using “Because – But – So” Sentences.
The Early Republic Lesson Seven
What was Jefferson thinking when he approved the Louisiana Purchase? (Q2); Formative Assessment
Students interpret Jefferson’s decision to use the president’s treaty power to approve the Louisiana Purchase, and write a two paragraph formative assessment about his decision.
The Early Republic Lesson Eight
President Madison Fights The British (Q1)
Students learn the story of the War of 1812, and tell the story back in a 4-Box Storyboard.
The Early Republic Lesson Nine
President Monroe Encourages Good Feelings (Q1)
Students learn the story of the Monroe presidency and the “Era of Good Feelings,” then they tell the story back in a 4-Sentence Story.
The Early Republic Lesson Ten
The Court Reinforces Federal Power (Q2)
Students interpret John Marshall’s majority opinion in “McCulloch v. Maryland,” and then try to predict the court’s ruling in “Gibbons v. Ogden.”
The Early Republic Lesson Eleven
The House Decides The Election of 1824 (Q1)
Students learn the story of the election of 1824, then tell it back by illustrating a “4-Sentence Storyboard.”
The Early Republic Lesson Twelve
Why does the U.S. have only two major political parties? (Q3)
Students learn about different electoral systems, and how they explain the existence of a two-party system in the United States.
The Early Republic Lesson Thirteen
What's fair in partisan competition? (Q4)
Students discuss their judgments about what kind of political campaign speech they think is acceptable, and what kind of campaign speech they think is objectionable.