The Age of Jackson Unit Docs
Unit Guide, Unit Storyboard, Lesson Calendar; Brief Answers for Teachers
The Age of Jackson Lesson One
Unit Launch; A New Kind of President (Q1)
Students read the unit setting and outcome, and learn the story of Jackson’s election and inauguration in 1828. They check their understanding with a four sentence story.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Two
Jackson & The Cherokee (Q1)
Students learn the story of Jackson and the Cherokee, and check their understanding with a Four-Box Storyboard.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Three
What was Jackson thinking when he created his policy on Indian Removal? (Q2)
Students interpret a portion of Jackson’s first State of the Union Address, in which he describes his policy of Indian removal.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Four
Jackson and the Bank of the United States (Q1)
Students learn the story of the “Bank War” between Jackson and the B.U.S., then check their understanding with a Four Sentence Story.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Five
What was Jackson thinking when he vetoed the bill to recharter the B.U.S.? (Q2)
Students interpret part of Jackson’s bank veto message.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Six
Whig Opinion of Jackson (Q2); Formative Assessment
Students interpret a famous Anti-Jackson cartoon to figure out what Whigs thought about him, then write a short paragraph in the voice of Andrew Jackson as an assessment of the unit so far.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Seven
Jackson and the Nullification Crisis (Q1)
Students learn the story of the South Carolina nullification crisis, and check their understanding with “Because – But – So” Sentences.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Eight
What did Jackson think about nullification? (Q2)
Students interpret part of Jackson’s nullification proclamation.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Nine
South Carolina and Nullification (Q3)
Why was South Carolina the only Southern state to nullify the tariff of 1832? Students examine data and write a hypothesis to explain this difference.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Ten
The Story of the Second Party System (Q1)
Students learn the story of the “Second Party System” of Whigs and Democrats, and check their understanding by drawing a Four-Box Storyboard.
The Age of Jackson Lesson Eleven
Who Should Get A Government Job? (Q4)
Students make their own judgments of the Jacksonians’ “Spoils System,” and see if they can articulate their own principles about who should get a government job.